47th District Seat in the Florida House of Representatives

Our poll shows a close race.

But call up: It's just one poll, and we talked to but 499 people. Each candidate'southward total could hands be five points unlike if we polled everyone in the district. And having a small sample is only 1 possible source of error.

Where we called:

Each dot shows ane of the 2 three 7 nine 5 calls we fabricated.

Vote choice: Dem. Rep. Don't know Didn't answer

To preserve privacy, exact addresses accept been concealed. The locations shown here are approximate.

Explore the 2022 election in detail with this interactive map.

About the race

  • Kristen Carlson is a old prosecutor and general counsel in the Florida Department of Citrus. 34% favorable rating; 16% unfavorable; 50% don't know

    Based on 499 interviews

  • Ross Spano is a state representative, elected in 2012, and a lawyer. 35% favorable rating; 24% unfavorable; 40% don't know

    Based on 499 interviews

  • The district runs from the inner suburbs of Tampa to Lakeland and other exurbs northeast of Tampa.

  • Florida's 15th leans Republican, but Ms. Carlson has been raising more coin than Mr. Spano, and some polls take shown a shut race.

  • Ms. Carlson promotes her record as a prosecutor and her legal piece of work on behalf of the land's citrus manufacture.

  • Mr. Spano expresses potent support for President Trump and advocates potent curbs on illegal immigration and repeal of Obamacare.

  • He opposed the express state gun restrictions passed after the mass shootings at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High in Parkland. Earlier in that debate, he was criticized for having the Florida Firm give priority to his resolution well-nigh the health risks of pornography over an assault weapons ban.

Other organizations' ratings:

Previous election results:

2016 President +10 Trump
2012 President +6 Romney
2016 Business firm +15 Rep.

How our poll event changed

Equally we reach more than people, our poll volition go more stable and the margin of sampling error will shrink. The changes in the timeline below reflect that sampling fault, not real changes in the race.

1 reason we're doing these surveys live is so you tin see the doubt for yourself.

If sampling error were the only type of error in a poll, we would expect candidates who trail by 1 bespeak in a poll of 499 people to win about three out of every seven races. But this probably understates the total error past a factor of two.

Our turnout model

There's a big question on top of the standard margin of fault in a poll: Who is going to vote? It'south a especially challenging question this year, since special elections have shown Democrats voting in large numbers.

To gauge the likely electorate, nosotros combine what people say almost how likely they are to vote with information about how often they have voted in the by. In previous races, this approach has been more accurate than simply taking people at their word. Merely there are many other ways to exercise it.

Assumptions nigh who is going to vote may be particularly important in this race.

Our poll under different turnout scenarios
Who will vote? Est. turnout Our poll issue
The types of people who voted in 2014 228k Spano +four
People whose voting history suggests they will vote, regardless of what they say 244k Spano +two
Our estimate 244k Spano +1
People who say they will vote, adjusted for by levels of truthfulness 265k Carlson +1
People who say they are almost certain to vote, and no one else 279k Carlson +6
The types of people who voted in 2016 306k Carlson +ane
Every active registered voter 454k Carlson +six

All estimates based on 499 interviews

In these scenarios, higher turnout tends to exist amend for Democrats.

The types of people we reached

Fifty-fifty if we got turnout exactly right, the margin of error wouldn't capture all of the fault in a poll. The simplest version assumes nosotros take a perfect random sample of the voting population. We do not.

People who answer to surveys are almost e'er likewise old, too white, too educated and also politically engaged to accurately stand for everyone.

How successful nosotros were in reaching different kinds of voters
Called Inter-
18 to 29 1 v 6 5 iv two i in 37 8% ten%
xxx to 64 1 1 vii 8 five 3 0 5 1 in 39 61% 58%
65 and older iv v ix 1 1 5 2 i in 30 30% 32%
Male person 7 5 0 ix 2 ii 0 1 in 34 44% 45%
Female one 0 iv iii ii 2 vii 9 1 in 37 56% 55%
White 1 1 seven 7 4 3 4 5 1 in 34 69% 67%
Nonwhite 5 three 5 8 1 three four 1 in forty 27% 28%
Cell 1 2 7 one nine 3 iii 9 ane in 38 68%
Landline five 2 2 ii 1 6 0 1 in 33 32%

Based on administrative records. Some characteristics are missing or wrong. Many voters are chosen multiple times.

Pollsters compensate past giving more than weight to respondents from under-represented groups.

Here, we're weighting by age, political party registration, gender, likelihood of voting, race, education and region, mainly using data from voting records files compiled by L2, a nonpartisan voter file vendor.

But weighting works only if you weight by the right categories and you know what the composition of the electorate will be. In 2016, many pollsters didn't weight by instruction and overestimated Hillary Clinton's standing as a result.

Here are other common ways to weight a poll:

Our poll under different weighting schemes
Our poll upshot
Weight using demography information instead of voting records, like most public polls Carlson +3
Don't weight by education, similar many polls in 2016 Carlson +1
Our estimate Spano +1
Don't weight by party registration, similar virtually public polls Spano +2

All estimates based on 499 interviews

Undecided voters

About fourteen per centum of voters said that they were undecided or refused to tell u.s. whom they would vote for. On questions nigh issues, these voters well-nigh closely resembled Democrats.

Issues and other questions

Do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as president?
Approve Disapp. Don't know
Voters due north = 499 49% 46% 5%
Would you lot prefer Republicans to retain command of the Firm of Representatives or would yous prefer Democrats to take command?
Reps. keep House Dems. have House Don't know
Voters n = 499 46% 49% 5%

Percentages are weighted to resemble likely voters.

What dissimilar types of voters said

Voters nationwide are deeply divided along demographic lines. Our poll suggests divisions too. But don't overinterpret these tables. Results amid subgroups may not be representative or reliable. Be particularly careful with groups with fewer than 100 respondents, shown here in stripes.

Dem. Rep. Und.
Female n = 279 / 55% of voters 46% 38% sixteen%
Male person 220 / 45% 38% fifty% eleven%
Dem. Rep. Und.
18 to 29 n = 41 / ix% of voters 56% 19% 25%
30 to 44 eighty / sixteen% 53% 30% 18%
45 to 64 224 / 43% 38% 48% xiv%
65 and older 154 / 33% 41% fifty% 9%
Race and pedagogy
Dem. Rep. Und.
Nonwhite n = 123 / 26% of voters 66% eighteen% 17%
White, college grad 162 / 25% 38% 48% fourteen%
White, non higher grad 202 / 46% 32% 57% 11%
Dem. Rep. Und.
H.S. Grad. or Less n = 91 / 31% of voters 40% 47% xiii%
Some College Educ. 178 / 33% 43% 45% 12%
4-twelvemonth Higher Grad. 121 / 22% 38% 44% 18%
Post-grad. 101 / 13% 59% 29% 12%
Dem. Rep. Und.
Democrat n = 165 / 34% of voters 88% 3% 9%
Republican 186 / 37% 5% 89% half-dozen%
Independent 126 / 24% 44% 31% 26%
Some other party 14 / three% 12% 41% 47%
Party registration
Dem. Rep. Und.
Autonomous n = 188 / 37% of voters 84% half dozen% 10%
Republican 216 / 42% 7% 84% nine%
Other 95 / 21% 42% 29% 29%
Intention of voting
Dem. Rep. Und.
Already voted n = 85 / eighteen% of voters 62% 33% 5%
Almost certain 291 / 59% 38% 47% 14%
Very probable 91 / eighteen% 43% 45% 12%
Somewhat probable 16 / iii% 32% 32% 36%
Not very probable 6 / one% 12% 88%
Not at all likely 6 / 0% 15% 64% 21%

Percentages are weighted to resemble probable voters; the number of respondents in each subgroup is unweighted. Undecided voters includes those who refused to answer.

Other districts where we've completed polls

California 48 Orange County Sept. four-6
Illinois 12 Downstate Illinois Sept. 4-6
Illinois 6 Chicago suburbs Sept. four-vi
Kentucky 6 Lexington surface area Sept. 6-8
Minnesota 3 Minneapolis suburbs Sept. 7-9
Minnesota 8 Iron Range Sept. half dozen-9
West Virginia three Coal Country Sept. 8-10
Virginia 7 Richmond suburbs Sept. nine-12
Texas 23 S Texas Sept. 10-11
Wisconsin 1 Southeastern Wisconsin Sept. 11-xiii
Colorado six Denver Suburbs Sept. 12-14
Maine 2 Upstate, Down Due east Maine Sept. 12-fourteen
Kansas 2 Eastern Kansas Sept. xiii-fifteen
Florida 26 S Florida Sept. thirteen-17
New Mexico 2 Southern New Mexico Sept. 13-18
Texas 7 Houston and suburbs Sept. 14-18
California 25 Southern California Sept. 17-19
New Bailiwick of jersey 7 Suburban New Jersey Sept. 17-21
Iowa one Northeastern Iowa Sept. xviii-xx
California 49 Southern California Sept. 18-23
Texas 32 Suburban Dallas Sept. nineteen-24
Pennsylvania 7 The Lehigh Valley Sept. 21-25
Kansas 3 Eastern Kansas suburbs Sept. twenty-23
California 45 Southern California Sept. 21-25
New Jersey three South, central New Jersey Sept. 22-26
Nebraska 2 Omaha expanse Sept. 23-26
Washington eight Seattle suburbs and across Sept. 24-26
Michigan 8 Lansing, Detroit suburbs Sept. 28-October. 3
Virginia 2 Littoral Virginia Sept. 26-Oct. i
Arizona 2 Southeastern Arizona Sept. 26-Oct. one
Iowa 3 Southwest Iowa Sept. 27-30
Ohio one Southwestern Ohio Sept. 27-Oct. 1
Minnesota 2 Minneapolis suburbs, southern Minn. Sept. 29-Oct. 2
Michigan eleven Detroit suburbs Oct. 1-six
Illinois 14 Chicago exurbs October. 3-8
Northward Carolina ix Charlotte suburbs, southern Due north.C. Oct. 1-5
New York one Eastern Long Island Oct. iv-8
Texas 31 Central Texas, Round Rock Oct. 1-5
Northward Carolina thirteen Piedmont Triad Oct. 3-8
Pennsylvania 16 Northwestern Pa. October. v-8
Texas Senate The Lone Star State Oct. 8-eleven
Tennessee Senate The Volunteer State Oct. viii-11
Nevada Senate The Silverish State Oct. 8-10
Pennsylvania 1 Delaware Valley October. 11-14
Arizona 6 Northeastern Phoenix suburbs Oct. 11-fifteen
Minnesota 8 Fe Range Oct. xi-14
Virginia 10 Northern Virginia Oct. 11-15
Colorado half-dozen Denver Suburbs Oct. 13-17
Washington three Southwest Washington Oct. xiv-nineteen
Texas 23 South Texas Oct. 13-18
West Virginia iii Coal Country October. fourteen-18
Kansas iii Eastern Kansas suburbs Oct. fourteen-17
Arizona Senate The Grand Canyon State Oct. 15-19
Florida 27 South Florida Oct. 15-19
Maine 2 Upstate, Downwards East Maine Oct. 15-eighteen
New Jersey 11 Northern New Jersey suburbs. October. thirteen-17
Pennsylvania eight Wyoming Valley Oct. 16-19
Florida 15 Tampa Exurbs Oct. 16-19
Virginia 5 Central, southern Virginia Oct. 16-22
California 39 E of Los Angeles Oct. 18-23
Illinois 12 Downstate Illinois Oct. xviii-22
Virginia two Coastal Virginia Oct. xviii-22
California 49 Southern California October. 19-24
Florida 26 South Florida Oct. xix-24
Texas 7 Houston and suburbs Oct. 19-25
Illinois 13 Downstate Illinois Oct. 21-25
New Mexico 2 Southern New Mexico Oct. 19-23
Illinois 6 Chicago suburbs Oct. twenty-26
Ohio i Southwestern Ohio October. 20-24
California 10 Fundamental Valley farm chugalug Oct. 21-25
New Bailiwick of jersey 3 South, fundamental New Bailiwick of jersey Oct. 21-25
Pennsylvania 10 Due south, central Pennsylvania Oct. 23-26
New York xi Staten Island, southern Brooklyn Oct. 23-27
Florida Senate The Sunshine State October. 23-27
Florida Governor The Sunshine State October. 23-27
Utah 4 South of Table salt Lake Urban center Oct. 24-26
New York 27 Western New York October. 24-29
Iowa 3 Southwest Iowa Oct. 25-27
California 25 Southern California October. 25-28
California 45 Southern California October. 26-Nov. one
Pennsylvania 1 Delaware Valley Oct. 26-29
Northward Carolina ix Charlotte suburbs, southern N.C. Oct. 26-thirty
Kansas 2 Eastern Kansas October. 27-30
New Jersey 7 Suburban New Bailiwick of jersey October. 28-31
Georgia 6 Northern Atlanta suburbs Oct. 28-November. 4
Iowa 1 Northeastern Iowa Oct. 28-31
Texas 32 Suburban Dallas October. 29-November. 4
California 48 Orange Canton Oct. 29-Nov. four
Virginia 7 Richmond suburbs Oct. xxx-Nov. 4
Illinois 14 Chicago exurbs Oct. 31-Nov. iv
Washington eight Seattle suburbs and beyond Oct. 30-Nov. iv
Iowa 4 Northwestern Iowa October. 31-November. 4
Michigan 8 Lansing, Detroit suburbs October. 31-Nov. 4
Kentucky 6 Lexington expanse November. i-4
New York 19 Catskills, Hudson Valley Nov. 1-4
New York 22 Central New York Nov. ane-4

About this poll

  • Nearly responses shown hither are delayed near 30 minutes. Some are delayed longer for technical reasons.
  • The design effect of this poll is one.17. That'due south a measure of how much weighting we are doing to make our respondents resemble all voters.
  • Read more than most the methodology for this poll.
  • Download the microdata behind this poll.

This survey was conducted by The New York Times Event and Siena College.

Siena College Research Institute logo

Data drove by Reconnaissance Marketplace Research, M. Davis and Visitor, the Institute for Policy and Opinion Enquiry at Roanoke Higher, the Survey Enquiry Eye at the University of Waterloo, the University of North Florida and the Siena Higher Research Plant.


Source: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/upshot/elections-poll-fl15-3.html?module=inline

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